Looking for a business coach? Want my help on professional growth for yourself or for your organization? Want to become a better leader? Let’s combine forces!
I currently have room for a few new coaching clients! I offer coaching programs in which we’ll deep dive into the issues you want to discuss. Each program will have 5 meetings of 1.5 hours each. We’ll meet either via Zoom or in person (in the Netherlands, that is). The costs of a program are €2000.
You’ll fill out questionnaires and online tests between our meetings, and I’ll give you specific assignments to work on. I’ll review, advise, and brainstorm with you in the sessions. At the end of the session, I’ll provide you with a document summarizing our journey together and my advice for you.
Interested? Fill out my contact form!
For who?
My coaching program is designed specifically for entrepreneurs, CEOs, leaders, and managers in bigger organizations. People who want to take the growth of their business and their professional growth to the next level.
What’s in these sessions?
We could work on many different things, depending on your personal and professional challenges. Your program will always start by filling out an online questionnaire. The first and the final sessions are always the same, we’ll start with getting to know each other and end with an evaluation and establishing a long-term growth path. However, you can pick the subjects that best fit your needs for the three middle sessions.
First session: Getting to know each other
In the first meeting, we’ll get to know each other. We’ll talk about what your business does, what you want to improve, what you’re currently struggling with. Together, we’ll establish the focus of the coaching program and identify the subjects of the following sessions. You can choose from multiple options:
Employees and company structure
In this session, we’ll talk about the challenges of having employees and being a manager and a leader. We’ll take a look at your company structure and take a deep dive into everything having to do with people management.
In this session, we’ll talk about (online) marketing and analyze how SEO, social media, advertising, and newsletters could help your business grow further.
Business model and efficiency of the organization
We’ll take a look at your pricing, how you could scale your business, and perhaps analyze your competition together, and we’ll brainstorm on how to improve the efficiency of your organization and make it more profitable.
What kind of leader are you?
In this session, we’ll explore the following questions together: How does your leadership style fit within your organization? What is your decision-making style? What are the problems you run into when taking the lead? And what could be possible solutions to those problems?
Mission and vision of the organization
In this session, we’ll explore the following questions together: What is the mission of your organization? How does the organization want to grow/ evolve? How do you fit in there? What is your role?Where/ how do you want to grow?
Core Values
In this session, we’ll either evaluate your organization’s current core values or devise a plan to define core values. What is important to your organization? How are these core values being communicated?
Company culture
How would you define the company culture of your organization? How is internal communication done? What kind of fun activities do you have to keep employees motivated and invested? What are ways to improve that?
Final session: Evaluation
In the last session, we’ll evaluate your program together and explore growth opportunities together. In this final session, we’ll develop a long-term plan for growth and identify steps to take in order to get there.
Time commitment
This coaching program will run over 5 months. We’ll have a session each month. Each session takes about an hour and a half. In between sessions, I expect you to do some work. I’ll ask you to fill out questionnaires or do some online tests. But I’ll also develop specific assignments for you to do and prepare for our next meeting. In between meetings, you can ask me questions via email.
Marieke as a business coach
I’ve done a lot of coaching while working at Yoast (both inside and outside of the company). I’m involved as a volunteer coach at NLgroeit and The Next Women (both Dutch initiatives).
My experience in co-founding a startup, growing and scaling that company, and ultimately selling it makes me a good fit and brainstorming partner for everyone in similar positions. I don’t think (at all) that I will have immediate answers to any of your problems, but I will be able to understand. I am positive we will find solutions and ways to successfully grow your business!
Interested or have questions? Fill out my contact form!